XStringFormat PropertiesTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library

The XStringFormat type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAlignment
Gets or sets horizontal text alignment information.
Public propertyStatic memberBottomCenter Obsolete.
Gets a new XStringFormat object that centers the text at the bottom of the layout rectangle.
Public propertyStatic memberCenter Obsolete.
Gets a new XStringFormat object that centers the text in the middle of the layout rectangle.
Public propertyComb
Support PdfAcroFieldFlags.Comb
Public propertyCombWidth
Width of a single comb for the output-string
Public propertyStatic memberDefault Obsolete.
Gets a new XStringFormat object that aligns the text left on the base line.
Public propertyLineAlignment
Gets or sets the line alignment.
Public propertyStatic memberTopCenter Obsolete.
Gets a new XStringFormat object that centers the text at the top of the layout rectangle.
Public propertyStatic memberTopLeft Obsolete.
Gets a new XStringFormat object that aligns the text top left of the layout rectangle.
See Also
