DataSource ClassTerminal Works - TwainScanning.Net Library
Class that represent twain device.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: TwainScanning
Assembly: TwainScanning (in TwainScanning.dll) Version: (

public sealed class DataSource : IDisposable

The DataSource type exposes the following members.


Public methodAcquire(Boolean, Boolean, DataSourceErrorInfo, NullableTwSX, Int32)
Acquires images. Most simple way to scan. Preferred way for scanning in the console applications. Function will not return until scanning is finished.
Public methodAcquire(IImageCollector, Boolean, Boolean, NullableTwSX, NullableInt32)
Allows to acquire images from the scanner synchronously. This function will not return until scanning is finished.
Public methodAcquireAsync(IImageCollector, Boolean, Boolean, NullableTwSX, NullableInt32)
Allows to acquire images from the scanner asynchronously. This function will return immediately.
Public methodAcquireAsync(ImageCollectorOnFinishedDelegate, Boolean, Boolean, NullableTwSX, NullableInt32)
Allows to acquire images from the scanner asynchronously.
Public methodCallCustomTripletT
Public methodCancelCurrentScanning
Cancels the current scanning.
Public methodDispose
Closes source and performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetupFileTransferParams(TwFF, IEnumerableString, Boolean)
Public methodSetupFileTransferParams(TwFF, String, Boolean)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Public fieldClearPage
Stop scanning all pages from feeder.

Alias for [!:Settings.Feeder.ClearPage].

Public fieldColorMode
Represent color mode.

Alias for [!:Settings.ImageType.PixelType].

Public fieldPageSize
Represent available PageSize.

Alias for [!:Settings.Page.Sizes].

Public fieldPixelDepth
Represent pixel depth for current value.

Alias for [!:Settings.ImageType.BitDepth].

Public fieldResolution
Represent supported resolutions.

Alias for [!:Settings.Resolution.X] and [!:Settings.Resolution.Y].

Public fieldSettings
Data source settings. Abstraction around capabilities of the device represented by the DataSource.
Public fieldTransferMechanism
Represent supported transfer mechanism.

Alias for [!:Settings.Transfer.Mechanism].

Public fieldUseDuplex
If duplex is enable.

Alias for [!:Settings.Duplex.Enabled].

Public fieldUseFeeder
Represent if feeder is enable.

Alias for [!:Settings.Feeder.Enabled].


Public propertyHasFeeder
Is feeder suported on Twain Device.
Public propertyIdentity
Get identity of current scanner.
Public propertyLayout
Property layout.

Public eventAcquiringEvent
Representing image acquiring events.
Public eventExtendedImageInformation
Public eventOnBatchFinished
Occurse when batch scanning is finish.
Public eventOnDeviceEvents
Public eventOnErrorEvent
Represents errors which occur in Twain device.
Public eventOnMemoryTransferProgressUpdate
Occurs when image chunk is transfered from scanner to this library. Occurs only when using Memory or MemFile as transfer method.
Public eventOnScanningFinished
Occurse when scanning is finish.
Public eventOnSingleImageAcquired
Provides data for the Device.ImageAcquired event.
See Also

