Make sure to add a reference to Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore component. You can reference it through NuGet.
Run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
> install-package Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore
Add needed CSS as shown in the example below
Add needed Javascript as shown in the example below
Add PDF Viewer component to your page
File location: Pages\Shared\_Layout.cshtml
File location: Pages\Index.cshtml
tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at
How to set which theme will be used?
File location: Pages\Shared\_Layout.cshtml
File location: Pages\Index.cshtml
File location: Pages\Index.cshtml
How to set initial parameters look at
Available viewer options with examples
File location: Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml
File location: Views\Home\Index.cshtml
tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at
How to set which theme will be used?
File location: Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml
File location: Views\Home\Index.cshtml
File location: Pages\Index.cshtml
How to set initial parameters look at
Available viewer options with examples
File location: Pages\Index.razor
tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at
How to set which theme will be used?
File location: Pages\_Host.cshtml
File location: Pages\Index.razor
If you use render-mode="Static" to make it work you need to add IsStatic="@("Yes")"
How to set initial parameters look at
Available viewer options with examples
File location: Pages\Index.html
tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at
How to set which theme will be used?
File location: wwwroot\index.html
File location: Pages\Index.razor
How to set initial parameters look at
Available viewer options with examples
ASP.NET Core 3.1 or newer
Supported browsers
Internet Explorer 11 and all newer browsers
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