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ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer - Download

ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer is a perfect choice if you need to implement a simple, versatile, and customizable PDF viewer into your website.

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Download ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer

Make sure to add a reference to Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore component. You can reference it through NuGet.


Run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

>  install-package Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore
Current version: 1.0.45

How to get started with ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer?


Add needed CSS as shown in the example below


Add needed Javascript as shown in the example below


Add PDF Viewer component to your page

1. In your HTML section of the page, you will need to add 2 CSS links.

File location: Pages\Shared\_Layout.cshtml

File location: Pages\Index.cshtml

tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at How to set which theme will be used?

2. Make sure to include the required Javascript

File location: Pages\Shared\_Layout.cshtml

File location: Pages\Index.cshtml

3. Add the component to your page

File location: Pages\Index.cshtml

How to set initial parameters look at Available viewer options with examples

1. In your HTML section of the page, you will need to add 2 CSS links.

File location: Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml

File location: Views\Home\Index.cshtml

tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at How to set which theme will be used?

2. Make sure to include the required Javascript

File location: Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml

File location: Views\Home\Index.cshtml

3. Add the component to your page

File location: Pages\Index.cshtml

How to set initial parameters look at Available viewer options with examples

1. In your HTML section of the page, you will need to add 2 CSS links.

File location: Pages\Index.razor

tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at How to set which theme will be used?

2. Make sure to include the required Javascript

File location: Pages\_Host.cshtml

3. Add the component to your page

File location: Pages\Index.razor

If you use render-mode="Static" to make it work you need to add IsStatic="@("Yes")"

How to set initial parameters look at Available viewer options with examples

1. In your HTML section of the page, you will need to add 2 CSS links.

File location: Pages\Index.html

tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific. You can read more about changing theme at How to set which theme will be used?

2. Make sure to include the required Javascript

File location: wwwroot\index.html

3. Add the component to your page

File location: Pages\Index.razor

How to set initial parameters look at Available viewer options with examples


For a more in detail look on all the features of ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer and how to use them please check out the documentation page. We have provided a few examples as well to get you familiar with the viewer in no time.

Latest Release - Minor Update (1.0.45)


- PDF signature didn't show correctly

Minor (1.0.45)



- PDF signature didn't show correctly

Minor (



- hiding Close and Download button on the toolbar didn't work

Major (



Initial version

Supported browsers & requirements


ASP.NET Core 3.1 or newer

Supported browsers

Internet Explorer 11 and all newer browsers

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