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BLOG Published on 2013/12/24 by Terminalworks in News, PdfPrint

PdfPrint 2.0 and Adobe switch

PdfPrint new methods and Adobe printing

In new version of PdfPrint library there are new methods:


public Status SavePdfPagesAsMultiPageTiff(byte[] pdfArray, string outputFileName, int fromPage, int toPage, int zoomFactor, float xResolution, float yResolution, ColorType colorType)
public Status SavePdfPagesAsImages(byte[] pdfArray, string outputFileName, int fromPage, int toPage, int zoomFactor, float xResolution, float yResolution, ColorType colorType, long quality, ImageType imageType = ImageType.FindFromFileName)
public Status SavePdfPageAsImage(byte[] pdfArray, string outputFileName, int pageNumber, int zoomFactor, float xResolution, float yResolution, ColorType colorType, long quality, ImageType imageType = ImageType.FindFromFileName)
public Bitmap GetBitmapFromPdfPage(byte[] pdfArray, int pageNumber, int zoomFactor)
public Status PrintWithAdobe(string fileName, IWin32Window parentWindow)
public Status PrintWithAdobe(string fileName)
PrintWithAdobe method uses preinstalled Adobe Reader / Professional for silent printing.
That method works only if all of this conditions are satisfied:
- application using pdfprint library is 32 bit
- application is windows or console type
- Adobe Reader / Professional is already installed on computer where pdfprint library is used
PrintWithAdobe will not work in this cases:
- application using pdfprint library is 64 bit
- in
- in Windows service if service is not set as Allow service to interact with desktop


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